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suspected cause中文是什么意思

用"suspected cause"造句"suspected cause"怎么读"suspected cause" in a sentence


  • 可疑的原因


  • We must teach people how to list the suspected causes of the main troubles , and how to discover which are the real causes
  • This paper reviews known and suspected causes of stillbirth including genetic abnormalities , infection , fetal - maternal hemorrhage , and a variety of medical conditions in the mother
  • The fact of the mysterious pneumonia has been widely spread in china drives me to do a literature review on the suspected cause ( i . e . coronavirus ) of the sars ( severe acute respiratory syndrome )
    神秘的非典型性肺炎正在中国广泛传播,于是我对引起sars (严重呼吸综合征)的病因(例如冠状病毒)作了一下研究。
用"suspected cause"造句  
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